"We are still the most envied society in the history of the world. Everyone wants to live like we do here in America. Even if they say differently. That is why America puts up fences to keep people out rather than keeping them in. We are still the richest, most resourceful country the world has ever seen."  

America…(Still) the Beautiful


Joe M. Young
Date Written/Revised
26 October, 2013


Listening to the news, watching television or reading newspapers and magazines lately certainly would make you believe that America is no longer that same place that our national anthem was written about. Our economy is in the tank. The nation itself is in debt a staggering 17 trillion dollars. It seems every time you pick up a newspaper there is another major crisis looming and threatening to bring this country to its knees.

Sure there is negative news to report. But all of those negatives cannot overshadow the good things that have happened in just the past four years. To name a few…we have brought the stock market from 6,500K to 13,000K, created 4.3 million jobs, have had 27- straight months of private-sector job growth, doubled the Number of Border Security Agents, restored America’s Standing in the world, passed Equal Pay for Women, nearly Wiped out Al Qaeda, added Eight-years of solvency to Medicare and killed that gutless son-of-a-bitch Osama Bin Laden.

We did all of that because no matter what is making the headlines, we still are taking care of business in all the areas that we can. Just a fraction of the bad things that have befallen our country would cripple a country made of lesser stuff than America.

We are still the most envied society in the history of the world. Everyone wants to live like we do here in America. Even if they say differently. That is why America puts up fences to keep people out rather than keeping them in. We are still the richest, most resourceful country the world has ever seen. And we will continue to be just that.

Yes we have some of the most breathtakingly beautiful geography ever seen on Earth. True, we have the ability to help others on this planet and always do whenever the need arises. No one can argue that this part of the continent has everything mankind could ask for. But it isn’t just the landscape. It’s the people that still make it the best place in the world to live. That is what America is all about. Not just the ground we walk and work on. It’s the spirit of a society unequaled in history. All true Americans and those wishing to become Americans make up an entire country of people who know we can do it better than anyone else in the world.

A good example of that spirit took place during the cold war. The Soviet Union has sent to the state department in the U.S., a case-hardened drill bit the size of a human hair. Presumably this was sent to America to show what the Soviets viewed as technological superiority over the U.S. But their message was not received as they would have like. We drilled a hole through the middle of the drill bit and sent it back.

We have always been the best at everything and we still are. That is the beauty of America. Yes, the majestic mountains and endless beauty of the plains and everything in between are part of what makes America so great. But it is mostly made up of “we the people” and that is the part of our great country that will never die.


Twelve Generations of Youngs
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This Page Last Updated: 25 October, 2013
Contact Joe M. Young