About The Young Genealogy Site

This page is more about thanking those who have helped me complete our bloodline. Some of those resources will never know that they made it possible for me to complete this arduous task.

I guess the first thank you should go out to my aunt Bernardine Young-Walley. It was her research that I picked up and laid down as a foundation for the rest of my work. Without the work that Aunt “Dean” had done, I doubt seriously that I would have continued. I would have been overwhelmed by the amount of work it would take just to get started. In fact when I first got interested in our family’s history, I was only mildly interested. I guess one could say I was on the fence about whether to put any time into this affair.

After seeing what Aunt Dean had done and left on Ancestry.com, I was bitten by the “Roots” bug. From that original compilation, I found some data in another family’s tree, and from there another fork in the genealogy road. That journey lasted about fifteen years working off and on. Sometimes it would take me two or three days of pissing time down the rabbit hole for one source (documented proof) for one fact.

Even though Ancestry.com is a for-fee website, it was invaluable insofar as I was able to connect to other families. Sometimes only one of my ancestors connected the two entities. I even volunteered to help decipher scanned records from the late 1930s through the end of the war. The last time I read any statistics, the Latter Day Saints church had scanned more than 3,000,000,000 pages of documents they contracted with the U.S. government to get possession of. I am a Baptist by faith my whole life, so I am not endorsing the Mormon religion. I am only saying that as a record-keeping organization, the LDS church has done a great service to all who are looking for the roots to their past.

A free branch of Ancestry.com is FamilySearch.org and that website helped me immensely as well. One more site that I would like to acknowledge for helping me dig up the old bones is USGenWeb.org. That site is free and I found more sourced historical documents on that site than any other one place. My hat goes off to the people who run that site and its children sites. They are run by 100% volunteers who devote their time and energy unselfishly for the good of the cause.

If you find an error on any page of this website, please use the contact link on the main page and at various other pages to let me know. It only takes a minute or so but to me it helps keep the story true.  I know it's not that big a deal to find a broken or dead link. You see it all over the Internet. But it's a matter of personal pride to me. When I'm at a website and there are multiple dead links etc. it tells me that they don't watch their site and it's been some time since the last update of anything. That all sounds like sloppy to me. So again, please let me know if you find something that doesn't work.

All content on this website is offered by me to anyone who wants to use it, copy it, or whatever so long as they don’t charge a fee for it. Various facts have been contributed on Young Genealogy. They are noted and I cannot give permission to re-publish that content. If you really want to use that which has been contributed to our site, let me know what it is and I’ll try to get permission for you.

Lastly, it is important to note that this website does not, never has and never will use any code that I didn't write. That ensures me and you that you won't get hijacked or taken to some type of site that will exploit you. Aside from the links on the Research Help page, the only link on this site is to Find A Grave and the only reason I put it there is because they are a totally free site that has been invaluable to many genealogists and I am a member there and I know their reputation. And you won't have to worry about any pop ups because they are an annoyance to me like nobody's business. Here it is strictly leisure time. So kick back, enjoy browsing and reading the story of our Young bloodline and how it is we got this far at all.

Joe M Young, publisher, Irish Island / Young Genealogy

Code and Content © Copyright 2020 Joe M. Young - All Rights Reserved World Wide - Used by Permission
All Pages of "The Young Family of Georgia" © Copyright 1953-2016 A.C. Felton